Friday, April 29, 2011

Grown Ass Gripe: Royal Wedding

What is the deal with the Royal Wedding?

As a grown ass man I am well aware of current events going on around the world. Unrest in the Middle East? Got it. Egypt is going nuts? Understood. Earthquakes in Haiti and Japan? I know all about it. Royal Wedding? Who cares? If I wanted to know what anybody in England was doing I would Google it. (Even Google's homepage is pushing this event on me!) I don't know about you but I feel like enough is enough.

I understand it is kind of a big deal that Prince William is getting married, but really Lifetime? You are going to make a movie based on the love story of William and that other girl? Really YouTube? You are going to stream the wedding live on your website? Really random housewives? You are going to have a Royal Wedding party at your place? They are 6 hours ahead of the Eastern Standard Time Zone.

Not to sound like I'm putting myself up with a prince but nobody held house parties for my wedding. Hey random housewives, you and I have just as much relation to each other as you and Prince William. Where's the love? I barely wanted to be at my own wedding, why would I care about a stranger's wedding?

I know that the royal line is a big deal in England but don't they have parliament? What is the point of the royal family except tradition? Let's stop overhyping this pointless tradition. Get your act together England.

On top of all the non-stop news about this love affair and marriage, every TV station is pulling out all their old Princess Diana clips and stories to reuse during this time. With all the coverage of Princess Diana you would think that she was going to be attending the wedding too.

There is a silver lining to this overexposed media frenzy. There is some chance to express your grown ass manhood during all of this forced wedding exposure. There have come about several different chances to place bets and even drinking games have been invented for the event. Here are some things people are betting on the grown ass men typically don't care about but now they do. So if you are forced to be more exposed to it because of a significant other, you will at least have this to pay attention to.
  • What color will the Queen's hat be?
  • Will the prince be left at the altar?
  • How long will the bride's train be?
  • Will any of the royal family fall asleep?
  • How many times will they mention Princess Diana?
These among others may help you get through all the media coverage of this event. What other things would you bet on? Can you create some other rules for a drinking game for this event or possibly any other weddings?


A. Ray said...

A shot for every 5 bulb flashes.... would probably kill you though.

Grown Ass Benjamanly said...

I think if you did a shot for every 15 bulb flashes you would still die

Grown Ass James Manthony said...

1. Out of context, bulb flash sounds dirty.
2. Keg stand for as long as any camera angle holds. When they smash cut to another angle, change the chugger.