Saturday, April 2, 2011

Getting Couched

There are plenty of risks involved with being a grown ass man whether they be health, safety, or reputation risks. Among these risks comes the possibility of overstepping your bounds and getting couched.

Getting couched can mean literally having to sleep on the couch or more of a figurative couching. Either way, there is a fine line between imposing your grown ass manhood and getting couched. For example, a grown ass man could assert what movie/activity he is doing on a date.

Grown ass man: "Since you like Chinese food we will go to an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet and then see that hit movie that's out, you know the one that isn't a chick flick."

Couched: "Charlie Sheen is in town on his tour and we are definitely doing that right after our meal at Hooters."

As you can see, the line is thin and can be easily crossed. Just remember, as a grown ass man you are also courteous and have good manners. When you remember to practice those things you can easily avoid the pitfalls that overtake many grown ass men.

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