Friday, April 8, 2011

Shallow Conversations

If there is one thing a grown ass man loves it is shallow conversation. This kind of conversation may also be called "shooting the breeze," or "shooting the poop." It is a way for grown ass men who are not necessarily comfortable with each other or know each other well to connect without doing things like sharing feelings or showing any weaknesses.

These conversations tend to start at social situations that a grown ass man has been forced in to. There are a few situations in life where a grown ass man is out of his element and most formal events that he is forced in to is a good example of this. The good thing about these situations is that there has to be another grown ass man in the same situation feeling the same thing as you. He may be at the bar or hovering around the snack table with a mopey look on their face.

Sharing of names does not typically happen in a shallow conversation. The only time sharing of names takes place is when each man's significant other are friends with each other and you know that you will be hanging out with this dude more in the future. Sharing of names takes the conversation to another level and this is not the purpose of this conversation. This conversation is a "play out the clock" situation.

If you are unfamiliar with a shallow conversation then I will tell you how it starts. Typically it starts by sharing grown ass gripes about the situation that they are both finding themselves in.

man 1 approaches man 2 at bar/snack table
man 1: Do you think if I drink enough/eat enough then I will forget that I'm here
man 2: Maybe. Man this sucks, I'm missing the big game
there is always a big game that a grown ass man is missing out on

From here the conversation takes a turn. It either becomes a discussion on sports where both of them agree on everything, with a few disagreements, or it is a friendly argument on sports that neither of them agree on.

let's continue the conversation
man 1: oh yeah, I hope State pulls off the upset.
man 2: Really? I went to State! I'm a big fan.

From here the shallow conversation continues with reference to the "glory days" of their teams, their favorite players, and favorite moments of their teams. Sometimes, if the situation they are in force more contact and conversation then it could turn to college stories.

let's see where the conversation is at now
man 2: my time at State was ridiculous, we did x once because we were totally wasted
man 1: that's awesome, me and my buddies did y once while we were totally wasted

The conversation continues until it is time to go. When the two grown ass men part ways they know the rules.
  1. we probably won't see each other again
  2. we probably won't talk ever again
  3. we leave with a simple "see ya"
There are some dangers to these shallow conversations. If man 1 walks up to man 2 and man 2 is a "1 upper," a man who has done something you have done but only better and with better results, then man 1 leaves and finds something else to do. If there is nobody to have shallow conversations with then you constantly check things on your phone until the event is over.

This is just one situation in which shallow conversations can occur. What are some situations where you have had a shallow conversation about nothing. Feel free to leave a comment below.

1 comment:

Grown Ass James Manthony said...

I play out the clock every time I'm at the grocery store and pay with a card. That 30-45 seconds of awkward waiting and pressing buttons on that stupid screen can be so boring and weird, so while I'm switching between finger and stylus repeatedly, and glancing at the bigger screen for hints that my payment is authorized, I usually ask the same three questions regardless of the gender, ethnicity, age of the cashier:

1. You gettin' off any time soon?

2. It's really nice out, you got any plans for when you get off?

3. There is, like, no good Mexican food in Saint Louis, any ideas where to get a good burrito?

That always helps pass the time. No dice on the Mexican food though. No one has ever had any.