Welcome to the Grown Ass Blog! What is a grown ass man you may ask? A grown ass man is the state of being that is the excuse for every manly action. We hope that this is a good resource for you and your grown ass manhood. Feel free to post comments and take part in our grown ass discussions.
Friday, April 29, 2011
New Poll
Grown Ass Stadium Etiquette
Submit yourself to Stadium Etiquette
This post will be drawing from the wisdom of a few others, including Grown Ass Consumption, Shallow Conversations, Bathroom Etiquette, etc, because the Stadium Experience is a microcosm of the entirety of life, and it is a wonderful opportunity to practice the ethic of Grown Ass Manhood.
First, a Grown Ass Man submits himself to the governing authority... Take off your hat during the National Anthem. Are you a conscientious objector to one or all of the wars in which this country is engaged? I can respect that. Take of your stupid hat, man. Are you a patriot or veteran? That brings me to my next point...
The Stadium is a happy place... NO PUNCHING!
The recent phenomenon of the crowd trying to drown out the singer is, like most of life, both hilarious and confusing. Take this rare chance to practice yelling as loudly as you possibly can, that skill comes in handy every now and again.
Once the game commences, booing and teasing the closest fielder is expected, regardless of your particular affiliation. You hear that Soriano? You're a bum! Let's go Cubbies!
Limit yourself to 1 beer per inning.
When leaving your seat, always side-shuffle past the knees of your neighbors with your mound towards the pitcher's mound... If someone gives you the belt buckle on their way to the aisle, remember, The Stadium is a happy place... NO PUNCHING!
For Stadium Bathroom Etiquette, please refer to Benjamanly's post. One note, if you find yourself at Wrigley, all urinal rules are out the window... Just hold your breath, shoulder up and unload in that trough.
While in line at the concession stand, feel free to practice your shallow conversation skills... There is no purer forum. One helpful tip: try to let your surroundings guide your topic choices. In The Stadium, most men are wearing advertisements for the only thing they want to talk about. Don't bring up the NFL draft unless your line friend's apparel suggests he gives a crap.
Make a game of seeing how much food and drink you can bring back by yourself. At the park with 10 friends? Don't bring someone to help with the beer run. Get out those boxes and stack em up. In this vein, if you are the unlucky one going on the beer run, you are absolutely allowed to drink some from every cup and claim it was to keep it from spilling. They will know you are lying, but they can't get mad about it.
It is absolutely ok to gingerly stack peanut shells on the shoulder of the person sitting in front of you.
Never, ever, participate in the wave. As a generation, we can eradicate this practice. Leave it for the hipsters to ironically revive in the 40's.
Try to start a funny or clever chant, but like beer, please, one per inning.
Don't bug that guy who wears a walkman and keeps his own score. He's legit. Very few baseball purists remain.
Any tips I'm forgetting? What about some Adult Male Stadium Tendencies you've noticed?
Grown Ass Gripe: Royal Wedding
- What color will the Queen's hat be?
- Will the prince be left at the altar?
- How long will the bride's train be?
- Will any of the royal family fall asleep?
- How many times will they mention Princess Diana?
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Grown Ass Moments in History
Which animal or inanimate object do you wish was there that fateful day and would bite you?
I think I wish a bear fell asleep on a microwave during the explosion, so that the bear could heat things up... And then the bear bit me, so that I could grow bear claws and be super strong, and heat things up.
Also, do you remember the comic/live action movie/cartoon The Toxic Avengers? Me too. I hope that doesn't happen. Gross.
What About Bathroom Etiquette?
- Always stand at least one urinal apart from another man, always helpful to have odd number of urinals
- The further you distance yourself from restroom traffic, the better
- Never look to your right or left, especially when forced to go next to another user
- Keep conversation to a minimum
- Limit yourself to two shakes, no exceptions
- Much like urinals, the more isolated one is, the better.
- Be courteous, don't use the handicap stall
- Remember, you are not giving birth, Adult Males love to grunt and grown as they go #2
- Ignore all foot tapping directed towards your stall.
- Use TP sparingly, clogging the toilet, especially in public is a no no (although if done without much TP is a point of pride for some Grown Ass Men)
- The need to double flush is also a sense of pride
- All Grown Ass Men wash their hands, only Adult Males consider the quick rinse and dry as a viable option
- Consider all chances to use a Dyson Air Blade as a treat that is to be taken full advantage of
- Grown Ass Men prefer air dryers to paper, but if paper is an option they take a limited amount and make sure it goes in the garbage
- When at sporting events/bars keep alert for stray pee that could possibly be soaking your shoe, also, don't be that guy
- It is up to the Grown Ass Man's discretion whether or not to tip a man who works in fancy bathrooms as a towel guy
Monday, April 25, 2011
A Grown Ass Bucket List
Fight my clone to the death
Punch a cop... hopefully like this: Move to NY, become a firefighter, learn to play ice hockey, join the FDNY hockey team, play in the game against NYPD, start a fight
Touch a shark
Throw a boomerang properly
Ride a giraffe like a horse
Win the World Series of Poker
Design and build a house with my own hands
Win a mustache-off
Drink an Old Style at each bar in Chicago that has a swinging Old Style sign out front
Take a taxi across the country like these guys
Wrestle an alligator-wrestler
Drive a tank into the side of a building
The Pointer-saurus
Jump onto and/or off of a moving train
Start a business that lets people foot-joust on parallel zip-lines
Eat most of something I've killed, sell the rest as jerky
Fake my death
Own an ice cream shop that hosts food challenges
Take up Falconing
Become a different race through method-acting
Just a few ideas. Leave a comment, tell us what you'd add.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Grown Ass Man of the Week
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Grown Ass Quandary
There are, as caricatured by George Castanza, Grown Ass Men who know of and frequent the fancier and more accommodating P.R.'s, while avoiding the dingy, nasty, poopy ones.
A few factors weighed in a grown ass man's restroom rubric:
Overall Aroma
Overall Cleanliness
Throne Height
Ambient Noise - both for comfort and coverup.
Towels vs. Airdryer (Or the rare treat: Dyson Airblade)
Width of T.P.
These are quite standard qualities hoped for in a P.R., but there is another pooping preference among grown ass men: seat color.
You see, discussions of public pooping places raises an important distinction between Grown Ass Men and Adult Males...
When provided, both Grown Ass Men and Adult Males will utilize the "ass-gaskets" (that single-use, tissue paper barrier). When not provided, however, a Grown Ass Man will NOT fashion his own!
There are typically two basic presuppositions underlying this truth. First, building your own glutes-guard from 3" strips of rough rags wastes entirely too much time. Second, grown ass men subconsciously object to wasting T.P. While an Adult Male has no qualms with wadding up handful after handful, a Grown Ass Man will, without even thinking, fold and refold several times before flushing.
So, back to seat color preference. Given the Grown Ass Man's aversion to building his own butt barrier, color factors into bare-backing the bowl. While no one here at the GrownAssBlog is feigning unanimity, every Grown Ass Man does indeed have a preference.
So, the quandary:
Do you prefer the white seat, so you can see what you're about to get yourself into?
Or do you prefer the black seat, maintaining that ignorance is bliss?
I, for one, prefer black. Whenever presented with a white seat, I find myself studying it at length, and I just don't need that extra stress in my life.
What About Social Media?
- No grown ass men are on myspace
- Status updates/twitter updates do not share more than what people care about
- Even though grown ass men are leaders, it is acceptable to follow others on twitter
- Try to have more followers on twitter than you are following
- No stalking shall be allowed on facebook
- No photo albums on facebook dedicated to pictures that you have taken of yourself
- Sharing pictures of pets/babies is encouraged
- Be mindful of your posts on facebook if you are friends with your grandma
- Don't be afraid to ignore facebook chat messages
- Emoticons are allowed, but not to excess
- There needs to be at least one photo of you with a beer in your hand
- Share at least one funny/informative internet sites that you have found online
- Grown ass men don't poke others on facebook
- A grown ass man does not follow a Hilton or Kardashian on twitter
- Communication is preferred in real life, not practiced heavily through social media
- No whiney posts, grown ass men don't whine
- "Liking" something on facebook is acceptable, but keep to minimum
- "Liking" your own facebook status is completely forbidden
- Never spend more than 5 minutes coming up with a facebook status/twitter update
- Nothing should be put in all caps, unless you are trying to convey anger
- Excess punctuation is frowned upon (ex. I am so excited for camping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Grown Ass Man of the Week
Friday, April 15, 2011
Filled with Grown Ass Giddyness
Thanks to my Grown Ass Friend, Patrick Ryan, for passing this our way! A magical wonderland of grown ass proportions... a place for running, jumping, flipping, playing. A Parkour Playground.
This brings up an interesting yet previously unmentioned grown ass axiom: A Grown Ass Man is a kid at heart. The only difference between grown ass little kid me and the me I am today is about 20 years of exhilarating, terrifying, near-death experiences.
As you know, grown ass little kids have no sense of danger. Climb a tree and attempt to backflip out of it, you say? Dizzy up both a cat and yourself and try to wrestle it, you say? Speaking of wrestling... Pretend your upper bunk is the top turn-buckle, your brother laying on the floor is the Ultimate Warrior, and your elbow belongs to the Macho Man, you say? A Grown Ass Little Kid has done all of these many, many times.
Grown Ass Little Kids are not to be confused with Children, mind you... Children look both ways before crossing the street. Children do dumb things like "walk". Children don't trade bodily punishment for candy or eat potentially poisonous lunch bombs for money. (Most likely to buy candy)
Children, and unfortunately Grown Ass Little Kids who lose their way, grow up to become Adult Males. They are behaviorally conditioned to do things in a safe, civilized, politically correct way.
Here's a few scenarios, and the respective ways an Adult Male and a Grown Ass Man would handle them:
It's Fall again, and you're up on your roof cleaning your gutters. You forgot your gloves, and the leaves look pretty gunky and slimy.
Adult Male securely grips the ladder with both hands and descends, one rung at a time, to the ground where he retrieves his gloves.
Grown Ass Man cannonballs from the roof into his pool, and then retrieves his gloves.
You witness an armed robbery on the street from about 20 yards away.
Adult Male calls the Police, and stays put in case they need a statement when they arrive.
Grown Ass Man calls the Police, and stays put in case they need a statement when they arrive, and while waiting day-dreams of confronting the attacker who dashes down an alley, quickly scaling a pad-locked chain link fence, zig-zagging around dumpsters, climbing a fire escape and jumping from rooftop to rooftop until he slips, is hanging from the ledge and the G.A.M. helps his back up to safety, and hands him off to the police so he can break the fourth wall to make some hilarious comment and then make out with the mugging victim.
You are leaving the grocery store.
Adult Male walks carefully back to his car in the straightest possible path, avoiding eye contact with fellow pedestrians and staying away from the cars.
Grown Ass Man rides his cart over toward the cars and jumps off onto the first in a series of cement parking blocks, which he runs along, in series, as fast as he can without touching the ground, usually throwing in a 360 or two. The woman in his life rolls her eyes and fetches the runaway cart before it dings a Land Rover.
There's a lesson or two, here, I think:
1. Don't let your Grown Ass Little Kids grow up to become Adult Males.
2. Park your Land Rover really far away from the grocery store.
Hit us up with the craziest things you've done as a Grown Ass Little Kid, or as a Grown Ass Man!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A Few Changes
Facial Hair Shout Out
Making Decisions
- I read it in a magazine
- I saw it on Discovery Channel
- I've done this before (whether or not you have done this before is not important)
- (insert friend or relative here) did the same thing and it worked out fine
- When all else fails: I'm a grown ass man!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Grown Ass Man March
On Pooping in the Woods, and Other Grown Ass Activities
Camping is a time-honored tradition of Grown Ass Manhood, and with good reason. Scarcely else can one find more of a grown ass man's interests and favorite activities all in one weekend... existing shirtlessly, playing with fire, hiking, drinking beer, throwing hatchets, grilling meats, trying to grill every other food item, connecting to nature, refusing sunblock, overusing bugspray, not changing your clothes, sleeping outside, whittling or otherwise playing with knives, road trips, and finally, not using the bathroom.
Unfortunately, as is the case with just about every awesome thing, modern marketing and consumerism are overselling and underestimating Adult Males with regards to camping equipment and provisions, potentially preventing them from asserting their Grown Ass Manhood all over the woods.
Here's a few things I saw in the camping aisle at Walmart:
- Camping Toilet - This is literally a toilet seat (with lid!) that rests on four short legs. So, you know, you can pretend you're civilized while you poop onto the ground or into a hole. Are we really at the point in human history that we need to bring toilets with us on camping trips? Humans are anatomically capable of relatively comfortably squatting for evacuation. If you don't really wanna poop in the woods, bring an RV with you, or go back to town and find a nice Dollar General to business in.
- Screened-In Gazebo - Four screened walls and a tarp roof. Is it still camping if you manage to avoid sun, rain, and bugs? The package should have read, "Sit on your porch... in the woods!"
- Camping Dishes - Plates, Mugs, Cups, Tumblers, Pots, Pans, Griddles, Utensils, Coffee Makers, Bowls, etc. I'm sorry, but I don't know a person alive that doesn't already own all of these things without having "Coleman" written on every item. And even if they didn't, two words can fulfill almost every single one of these duties: Aluminum Foil.
What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen while camping or in a camping store/aisle?
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Grown Ass Style Tip: Hair Length
Tasteful grooming is paramount to Grown Ass Manhood. As such, here are some simple guidelines to ensure that you possess a Grown Ass Haircut:
1. Hair shall not exceed eyebrow length. An exception exists for men who maintain meticulously parted coifs. Longer hair is often required for a proper side part, but the hair may only lay below the brow following a robust session of coitus.
2. Buzz cuts are acceptable in all circumstances.
3. Short hair should not shine for any reason.
4. One color. Natural.
5. A hot water rinse is an acceptable substitute for a shower in order to remedy hat hair in emergency situations.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Grown Ass Consumption of Adult Beverages
Think back amongst yourselves; was it at a wedding, house party, or just at 2 am after breaking in to your old man's liquor cabinet that you first had your taste of your favorite nectar? Personally, I remember my first Scotch in the same way that I hope to remember my first child; A delightful, beautiful moment in retrospect, while at the time possibly a bit messy… It's all right, Grown Ass Men are honest and forthcoming… It may not have been a great experience, but It sure was not a deterrent either. So into the wild valley of Adult Beverages I journeyed, as many have before.
Grown ass men and Adult Beverages go together like biscuits and gravy. With that said, a grown ass man knows how to handle himself around the drink. As a man who works with youth on a pretty constant basis, I fear future generation of men will be deceived into thinking that The Situation is a solid example of proper drinking habit. This fear has been realized by an individual near to my heart; my brother-in-law.
Durring a recent correspondence, I was made aware of his recent escapades involving a bottle of UV Blue, His roommates nose and cell phone, and 2 of those things being broken.(Hint, it was not the bottle) I know that we've all been in similar situations personally, Mine involved 2 bottles of Boones Farm and a Handle of Skol Vodka and ended with projectile vomiting in my then Girl Friends Dorm. Now maybe it's just the over protective brother-in-law in me, or maybe its my deep desire to not watch people follow mistakes I've made, But really, I fear these things are becoming more and more socially acceptable.
I fear that gone are the days of being a social outcast for filling your room mate's shoes with gently used Rum and Dominos Pizza, instead society is praising these types of non-grown ass man drinking experiences.
At some point, Adult Males everywhere need to learn how and when it is appropriate to drink. With that in mind I propose a solid list of times to scale back and also times to let it rip:
-Grown Ass Man Suggestion: Order a Scotch neat and chat him up about how to increase company productivity
2) Weekend Camping Trip? Grab the cooler and fill'er up!
-Grown Ass Man Suggestion: Remember the first beer you snatched from your old man? Yeah grab some ice and a case of Stroh's and enjoy some solid time in nature. (Just remember, Grown Ass Men respect their surroundings so clean up the empties.)
3)Are you around your significant other's parents/ family? Lock it up.
-Grown Ass Man Suggestion: Bring a 6 Pack of Solid Locally Brewed Beer to share… the key here is the sharing, don't drink 5 of them and hand out 1.
4)Is it March 17th? If so, belly up.
-Grown Ass Man Suggestion: Stroll on down to your favorite public house and have the barkeep pull a pint of your favorite stout or ale. Just don't be the guy drinking green beer, Remember, You're a grown ass man.
5)Out on the town with a special lady? Unless she enjoys carrying you home on her back, scale it down champ.
-Grown Ass Man Suggestion: Nice Dinner and a Bottle of Shiraz.
6)Weekend Bachelor Party with the guys? Let Loose.
-Grown Ass Man Suggestion:Celebrate! Grab a Grown Ass Bottle of Red Breast and nurse it like mothers milk for 48-72 hours.
There is a time and place for the grown ass man to drink and drink hard, but those are few and far between. As grown ass men, we leave week long benders and binge drinking to the boys.
As the Apostle Paul once wrote:
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I understood like a child, I reasoned like a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Solid advice from a historic grown ass man.
Hit us up with a comment of suggested Scale it Backs or Let it Rips.
It's Friday... Friday.
I'm speaking, of course, about SHOTGUN.
Calling out shotgun is a compulsion experienced by grown ass men, sometimes when he's the only passenger.
Here's some pretty standard SHOTGUN customs:
- The call must be audible to the Driver
- The call cannot be made indoors
- Vehicle must be within sight of caller
- ReCall must be made if successful caller goes back indoors for any reason before entering vehicle
- If current shotgun occupant leaves vehicle for any reason, any other passenger may call shotgun and steal the seat.
Post up some interesting additional or variant rules if your Grown Ass group of friends abide by any.
Shallow Conversations
- we probably won't see each other again
- we probably won't talk ever again
- we leave with a simple "see ya"
On Being a Healthy Grown Ass Man
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Grown Ass Moments in History
Of course, it's not as if many of these Adult Males hadn't actually imbibed in the 13 dry years... after all, many of these Adult Males were also Grown Ass Men.
During the Prohibition, as well as today, Grown Ass Manhood will lead you to bend or break certain laws that attempt to sand down your Grown ass edges, reducing you to simple maleness. Not quite reactionary, not exactly revolutionary, certainly not non-conformist, but simply good-old, grown ass, stick-in-the-muditude. It's hard to change a Grown Ass Man, and it's even harder to tame one.
Here's a list of "illegal" activities that Grown Ass Men, past and present, engage in with incredible frequency:
- Draft Dodging
- Lying to join the military
- Bootlegging
- Stealing Cable
- Illegal Downloading
- Rolling Stop Signs
- Speeding
- Not Paying Parking Meters
- Jaywalking
- Vandalizing Mailboxes
- Public Urination
- Home Poker Games
- Crappy Fireworks Displays
- Shooting Stuff in your Back Yard
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Grown Ass Gripe: Introductions
I present to you one of the biggest lies said by millions worldwide every day:
"Nice to meet you."
A true grown ass man does not fib nor embellish, except when describing fish length. However, this seemingly innocuous greeting is no more than empty puffery.
My deepest problem with NTMY is actually not in its untruthfulness. The problem lies in the brevity by which most first encounters are followed and the lack of opportunity to retract your niceties should the situation turn sour. In most NTMY circumstances, the other individual is met only briefly and may disappear from memory shortly thereafter.
However, if the receiver of your NTMY should, for instance, spoil the cranial comfort of a ballcap or besmirch the name of a beloved ancestor, you should be afforded an opportunity to retract what you thought was a pleasant greeting.
Grown ass men deserve this opportunity for frankness, and to be deprived of such is nearly a more grievous crime than the little white lie of "Nice to meet you."
On Food in Food
Grown Ass Men love food in food.
Back home in Chicago, my grown ass group of friends adapted a popular french cooking technique, called wrapping, and applied it to grilled or fried meats served sandwich-style. Aptly named MeatWraps, these bun-burdening belly bombs range anywhere from 1 to 5 pounds each, usually incorporating sausages and ground meats according to a particular theme.
Past MeatWrap Success Stories:
- Wisconsin MeatWrap - Beer Brat wrapped in Butterburger, topped with Cheddar Dill Curds, Spicy Ketchup, Pickle Slices on a warm Kaiser Roll.
- Italian MeatWrap - Italian Sausage pan fried in Chili Oil, wrapped in strips of Meatball meat, smothered in Red Sauce, served on a Toasted Garlic-Cheese roll and topped with Cold Spaghetti tossed with Hot Giardiniera.
- SuperBowl MeatWrap (named in honor of its debut) - Bacon Sausage, double wrapped with strips of Blue Cheese Burger meat, Fried, and served on a Garlic Bun slathered with Giardiniera Mayo.
- Greek MeatWrap - Lamb Kebob, Wrapped in strips of Gyro meat, topped with onion, tomato, and Kalamata olive relish, served on a warm pita slathered with Tzatziki sauce.
- Grown Ass Corn Dog - Corn Dog with Bacon around the dog and then dipped in the batter.
Quick Shout-out to YouTube - EpicMealTime's Channel for whole-heartedly smelling what Grown Ass Men everywhere are stepping in. Bravo!
Bartering Like a Grown Ass Man
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Get Yourself a Grown Ass Garden
Remember when you were a grown ass little kid and you used to play in the dirt and mud all the time? Yeah, this is the same freakin' thing, only now you know what you're doing and you get to use all the pointy and sharp toys, er, tools you want.
Grown ass gardening is all about the one thing grown ass men of every background love to do: making things better. For instance, you know what's better than weeds? Tomatoes. And so on.
As much as is in their power (which is much), Grown Ass Men always leave things more beautiful than when they found them, except bathrooms.
Getting Couched
Friday, April 1, 2011
I'd like to clear this up...
Raw or undercooked meats (is sushi meat?) are always encouraged. That being said, the kinds of sushi a grown ass man will eat may need specifying. To illustrate my point, here's two situations:
Adult Male: Hi, yes, we'd like to split the california roll and... the spicy tuna, is that really spicy? oh, um... yeah... can we get a regular tuna roll? White wine should go nicely with that, we'd like a bottle of pinot grigio too, please.
Grown Ass Man: Yes, I'd like the tiger roll, a dragon roll... the spicy tuna, is that really spicy? oh, um... i brought some sriracha, so yeah, that's fine, and two centaur rolls. White wine should go nicely with that, we'd like a bottle of pinot grigio too, please. Honey, what are you going to have?