Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Brand Allegiance

Out of the many different statements and things that are true about Grown Ass Men, the one thing that we have neglected to talk about is Brand Allegiance.

Brand Allegiance, being true to a specific brand despite all criticism from female companions and Adult Males within your proximity, is an integral part of being a Grown Ass Man. This is considered a true trademark of Grown Ass Manhood. It incorporates many things that G.A.M. love: specifically expressing loyalty and being in a situation they can control.

For example:
I have a relative who refuses to go to any other gas station except Marathon. Adult Males would see this as just stubborn behavior. An Adult Male would say, "gas is gas, no matter where you go." This Grown Ass Relative of mine would dispute that claim. Not only does he receive quality gas but he has become so acquainted with the system set in place by Marathon that now he is able to take advantage of that system, legally of course. He receives points every time he uses his Marathon credit card, which he uses to buy gas cards which earn him more points. Now I am simplifying the process to protect the process and also because I do not have an allegiance to Marathon. Since I don't have this intimate relationship with that brand I may never understand fully what that is about.

Another example:
I have another relative, one of the grown ass persuasion, who frequents Arby's, buying their shake mix to use in his own ice cream machine at home. Not only does he enjoy the shake mix that he buys from them but he also enjoys the tasty treats that Arby's produces. Through his allegiance to the Arby's brand he has become a regular. Being a "regular" at any place where you are the consumer is an elite status that not everybody gets. This grown ass relative of mine has achieved that status and, undoubtedly, has the admiration of his peers. Being a regular at any place could be a separate post of its own, so I won't go deeper into that right now.

Basically, what I am saying here is that Grown Ass Men love their brands. I personally love my "Fresh" scented deodorant from Old Spice more than most other parts of my morning routine. That smell is something that I'm never willing to part with. These brands become part of the family. Many fond memories are surrounded by the taste of Kroger Brand ice cream because of the stance my father took on his brand. Discontinuity creates confusion. Stick to what you know! Love your brands!

So remember, be loyal to your brands and they will return the favor. Remember all of the times your grandpa refused to shop/eat/get some kind of service at any other location then the one he was used to? Now you understand why he did that, he is a Grown Ass Man. So be proud of your particularity to labels and brands because that is what makes you you, a Grown Ass Man.

What brands are you loyal to? What kind of persecution have you faced because of your dedication to that brand? Let us know.


A. Ray said...

Oh but what agony results from when your brand gets discontinued or goes out of business...such great pain!

Grown Ass James Manthony said...

Or when they change the recipe... Examples: cap'n crunch, kraft macaroni and cheese, mcdonald's fries, slurpees, Laffy taffy, and doritos. Blerg.

Anonymous said...

Tomo says: Grown ass men take care of business (e.g. homework) before writing blogs.