Monday, May 16, 2011

Getting Your Stuff Together

As school years across the nation are coming to a close, I thought this post would be appropriate. There is nothing, absolutely nothing better than getting your stuff together.

What do I mean by getting your stuff together? It's that to do list of essays and papers needing to be completed that you finally knock off. It's finally taking your car in to the shop and getting that weird rattling noise taken care of. It's putting away all those winter clothes now that it's summer time. Basically, it is taking care of business that you have procrastinated on long enough where it starts to affect your every day life.

For me, it was finally getting some pesky online quizzes taken and two major papers written. The deadline was this week, but I have known about them for a long time. The feeling of getting your stuff together is one of the greatest feelings anyone could ever have. It's like lifting a gigantic load off of your shoulders that only got heavier because you chose to ignore it for a while.

As a Grown Ass Man it is important to get your stuff together. It is important to note that getting your stuff together does not mean in a timely fashion. Getting your stuff together means that at some point, maybe right at the buzzer, you get stuff taken care of before it gets too out of hand. In most cases, the longer you wait to get your stuff together, the better it feels once you have taken care of it. It is also important to note that if things do get out of hand and somebody gives you grief about it you can always just respond with the phrase, "Hey, I'm a Grown Ass Man, I'll get to it."

Working against the clock is part of getting your stuff together. Grown Ass Men, just like in decision making, work well under pressure. Adult Males crumble under the weight of responsibilities and problems overwhelming them. Grown Ass Men laugh in the face of these pressures knowing that in time they will conquer them.

What are things that may take precedence over getting things done right away? First off, Angry Birds is something that is a little more important. Those stupid green pigs won't destroy themselves, certainly not in a way that gives me 3 stars. Also, what is for dinner? We may spend a couple hours each day deciding on what would be the best to fill our Grown Ass tummies. Once these things, among others, are taken care of then we will get to our things that need to get done.

I may have my work done for this quarter but I still have some lightbulbs that need to be changed. In order to change them I need to go to the store and get some more. I will probably get around to it when we are down to one lightbulb left. What is a greater contrast: having one new lightbulb or have 3 new lightbulbs? It almost makes more sense to wait to do things because it makes the simple tasks in life seem harder and our completion of them that much more awesome. If I get a paper done in two weeks with three weeks left to go until it's due what's the point? There's no glory in that.

What have you accomplished lately? What stuff have you gotten together that makes you feel like an accomplished Grown Ass Man? What things do you still have left to do? What things do you like to do instead of the tasks assigned to you? Let us know what you think.

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