Thursday, May 17, 2012

Starting New Hobbies

            With the school year winding down and the list of things to do getting a bit lighter I have decided to pick up a few new hobbies.  I have decided to take up long boarding and do at least one pinterest project a month.  You may ask, “why would you want to do those things?”  Let me tell you why I want to start new hobbies.  This is causing me to broaden my horizons and try new things.  Part of being a grown ass man is the ability to grow and learn, not through directions or teaching, but through experience and trial and error. 
When starting new hobbies, a grown ass man does not simply pick up a “gardening for dummies” book and get at it.  Not at all.  If a grown ass man wants to start a garden he will grab some seeds of things he likes, brick off a part of his back yard, throw some dirt down, and grow those plants.  Then, through trial and error, he will learn which ways are the best. 
            Why would someone want to learn this way?  Why would someone be interested in taking up a new hobby and not want to do it the “right” way through any sort of training?  The best way to learn anything is through your own experience.  My dad let me step up to the plate in little league barely clenching a bat with an awkward stance so that I would learn, through the stinging in my hands once I made contact with a pitch, that you need to grip the bat like a man. 
An old proverb says that experience is the best teacher.  When thinking of a new hobby or skill to pick up remember that the only way you will truly know what you are doing is through just doing it yourself.  Why waste time learning anything from outside sources?  The only learning you can do from someone else is through some amateur video on youtube.  In addition to this being the best way to learn, it will eventually give you enough experience to be considered an “expert” to others who are just starting off.  The words, “trust me, I’ve done this before” speak volumes to a grown ass man.
So, I charge you grown ass men, to get out there, expand your skill set, broaden your horizons and pick up a new hobby.  Not only will you become the resident expert of that thing with your grown ass friends, but also with every new skill/hobby you start you become more of a renaissance man (which the ladies love).  Learning and growing is just one of many ways to express and flaunt your grown ass manhood.

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