Monday, May 21, 2012


If there is one thing that I hate in life it is whining.  There have been times lately that I have had to deal with some whiners, both male and female.  When I hear Adult Males whining it really gets me annoyed. 

Now, it is important to distinguish between a gripe and whining.  Grown Ass Men gripe, Adult Males whine.  A gripe is vocalizing a frustration with life that is legitimate.  Whining is when life just doesn’t go your way and you want to make it everybody else’s problem.  You may be sitting there thinking, “what is a legitimate gripe?”  Let me help you out.  For starters anything complained about on White Whines is not a legitimate complaint. 

 Let’s look at some scenarios that would elicit some sort of response.  Now in these situations wording can mean a whole lot.  There are incidents or episodes that happen in life that are not even worth a grown ass man’s time to talk about, while an adult male will make sure everyone knows how inconvenienced he was in that certain situation.

Scenario #1
Your car breaks down on the side of the road.
Adult Male:            after calling everyone he knows for help with no luck he gets it towed to the dealer where he will be charged way more than he should be because he doesn’t have a clue
Grown Ass Man:            if he can’t fix it himself, he calls a reliable friend (or AAA) and gets it towed to a credible auto shop (every grown ass man has a reliable auto shop)

Scenario #2
Someone cuts you off in traffic
Adult Male:            screams, yells, makes hand gestures, appeals to others in the vehicle to justify his actions (appealing to others to justify your absurd behavior is a trademark of an adult male)
Grown Ass Man:            may get a bit frustrated, but no hand gestures are needed, just a stern look toward the one who cut him off

Scenario #3
You have poured yourself a bowl of cereal only to find that there is no milk in the fridge.
Adult Male:            complains out loud that there is no milk until someone validates his frustration (if living alone he will appeal to his pet who always agrees with him)
Grown Ass Man:            doesn’t mention it, just makes sure to buy milk when he comes home from work

As you can see, not only is it how the grown ass man initially responds to the situation but it is also the fact that he is willing, and does, fix it himself.  The adult male waits and whines until someone helps him out, gives him direction, or does something for him while the grown ass man waits for no man and solves his own problems.  The audience you are communicating with also makes a difference.  An adult male will complain to anyone and everyone.  He is known especially for berating and arguing with tech assistants and company help lines as if they were the cause of their problems.  Grown ass men tend to share their frustrations with a select few.  If grown ass men do want to share frustrations with life, they will tend to share them with other grown ass men, or in rare cases their significant others.  Now that you know, I encourage you to think and act like a grown ass man.  Don’t let this world of adult males drag you down with their whining and self-pity.  You are a grown ass man; you can handle all that comes your way.

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